Hello Friends of the Seas! Welcome to My Ocean Friendly Blog. I made this blog in support of the Creatures of the Seas and their Human Champions, Fighting for their Cause.

I have posted some of my favorite Champions here, and on some I have included a brief Notation of their Purpose at the bottom of this first page. You Must "Click" on the Older Posts, to pull up older posts. You will find that on the bottom of each page, and to the right of each page. I have also Included many Links to other blog and websites for you to expore. They are on the right column of the pages.

If you have a blog that is of focus on Healing of the Oceans and their Inhabitants, please let me know.

Although all Ocean Inhabitants are important, a special focus here is on the order Cetaceans (ceta is greek and latin for whale) or Marine Mammals of which the family Delphindae (meaning Dolphins) belongs. Like all mammals, they must breathe air. They also give live birth, and nurse their newborns with milk. Whales, Dolphins and porpoises belong to this group. That means Whales are actually large dolphins. Whales are the largest and porpoises are the smallest of the Cetaceans. Dolphins are not fish as some may think, and they are considered second to human beings in their intelligence and I believe they have an advanced intelligence far beyond some humans. The Japanese Dolphin Hunters have been, and still are relentlessly driving dolphins in the Cove of Taiji to Their Deaths and Capture, and other people are contributing to their plight by supporting the entertainment arenas around the world and eating their meat.

The Dolphins of Taiji are Close to My Heart at this Time, so I wrote a Poem for them "Shout Out For the Dolphins of Taiji" and to Challenge the World to Helping them Overcome Their Plight.

Here is that link:

I also Support other Sea Life and their Champions, and I am Open to Suggestions for improvement or new information, so please offer any constructive comments you may have in the comment sections. Please Note the Champions of the Seas Links on the Right and Support them if Your Heart Desires. Alone we create a Ripple in the Ocean, and Together we Create a Wave... Let Our Voices Be Heard! Thank YOU

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sea World Tie to the Annual Taiji Dolphin Slaughter - "Fall From Freedom" Video

The following excerpt  is taken verbatim from the Seattle PI News August 29th, 2011

Author: Candace Calloway Whiting
Candace Calloway Whiting has studied and trained dolphins, seals, and orca whales. She is currently a volunteer at the Center for Whale Research at Friday Harbor.
"Narrated by Mike Farrell (M*A*S*H, Providence), "A Fall From Freedom" digs deep into the history of the captive dolphin and whale industry. Topics covered in the film include:
 -Sea World representatives secretly promoted the Japanese dolphin drives where thousands of animals are driven to shore and brutally killed, in order to provide their parks with replacement animals, says Dr. John Hall, former Sea World biologist.

-There is no educational value to having whales or dolphins in a captive environment, states former Sea World biologist Dr. John Hall and former Sea World killer whale trainer Dr. John Jett.
 -Contrary to the claims of many marine parks and aquariums, captive killer whales die far more frequently and at a far earlier age than they do in the wild, says Dr. Naomi Rose, biologist for Humane Society International.
 -Sea World has been involved in illegal and unethical actions to assure their parks are well stocked with killer whales, states former Sea World biologist Dr. John Hall.
 -The Alliance of Marine Mammal Parks and Aquariums has worked tirelessly to reduce government oversight on the health and well-being of captive whales and dolphins, states Dr. Naomi Rose.
 -Sea World representatives have claimed that whales and dolphins are not highly intelligent, sophisticated, and social animals. Dr. Lori Marino, a leading expert on killer whale intelligence and social dynamics, asserts that their intelligence and social dependence is second only to humans.
 -Sea World and other marine parks claimed that the rehabilitation and release back to the wild of Keiko, star of the Free Willy movie, was a failure from the start. Dave Phillips of the Free Willy-Keiko Foundation argues that the project was a rousing success, which proved that these animals can be taken from captivity, rehabilitated and returned to the wild."

Fall From Freedom Video:
Fall From Freedom Trailer:

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