Hello Friends of the Seas! Welcome to My Ocean Friendly Blog. I made this blog in support of the Creatures of the Seas and their Human Champions, Fighting for their Cause.

I have posted some of my favorite Champions here, and on some I have included a brief Notation of their Purpose at the bottom of this first page. You Must "Click" on the Older Posts, to pull up older posts. You will find that on the bottom of each page, and to the right of each page. I have also Included many Links to other blog and websites for you to expore. They are on the right column of the pages.

If you have a blog that is of focus on Healing of the Oceans and their Inhabitants, please let me know.

Although all Ocean Inhabitants are important, a special focus here is on the order Cetaceans (ceta is greek and latin for whale) or Marine Mammals of which the family Delphindae (meaning Dolphins) belongs. Like all mammals, they must breathe air. They also give live birth, and nurse their newborns with milk. Whales, Dolphins and porpoises belong to this group. That means Whales are actually large dolphins. Whales are the largest and porpoises are the smallest of the Cetaceans. Dolphins are not fish as some may think, and they are considered second to human beings in their intelligence and I believe they have an advanced intelligence far beyond some humans. The Japanese Dolphin Hunters have been, and still are relentlessly driving dolphins in the Cove of Taiji to Their Deaths and Capture, and other people are contributing to their plight by supporting the entertainment arenas around the world and eating their meat.

The Dolphins of Taiji are Close to My Heart at this Time, so I wrote a Poem for them "Shout Out For the Dolphins of Taiji" and to Challenge the World to Helping them Overcome Their Plight.

Here is that link:

I also Support other Sea Life and their Champions, and I am Open to Suggestions for improvement or new information, so please offer any constructive comments you may have in the comment sections. Please Note the Champions of the Seas Links on the Right and Support them if Your Heart Desires. Alone we create a Ripple in the Ocean, and Together we Create a Wave... Let Our Voices Be Heard! Thank YOU

Thursday, January 27, 2011

"Sea Turtle Populations Drop Following Spill"

Sea Turtles are Especially Vulnerable to the April 2010, BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico

January 27th 2011,
ECOWORLD, Nature and Technology, Reptiles:

Although the initial news is no longer new, The Devastating Outcome of this Infamous Spill Continues On ... "A new report finds that more turtles were killed or injured in the Gulf of Mexico in the time after the April 20th disaster than in any similar period in the past twenty years... “Of all the species affected by the oil spill, those for which I have the greatest concern are the sea turtles,” said study co-author Doug Inkley, senior scientist at the National Wildlife Federation.

For full article, click on the following link:
I believe that if one cannot control a negative outcome related to their action, one should not be doing it. Thank God, others feel the same and are willing and able to do something about it.  I just found this helpful link on the EarthJustice Blog Site relative to off shore drilling and oil spills.   They are dedicated to preventing more BP type Oil Spills through legal channels.  They write: "Earthjustice has been deeply engaged in curtailing the expansion of offshore drilling".... "Through a series of lawsuits, we aim to force federal agencies to do their jobs and stop being cozy with companies like BP, which was allowed to drill recklessly without an adequate plan to handle even a moderate oil spill, let alone the monster it let loose on April 20."

Monday, January 24, 2011

Behind the Tarp in "the Cove" of Taiji and Ric O'Barry Interview with Sting

"What is taking place behind the Tarp of the Killer Banger Boats of Taiji?

I have posted a link here for the Jan 24th 2001 Ric O' Barry News Commentary & Video.  One can see what actually Takes Place Behind the Tarp Cover of the Dolphin Drive Boats following the capture of dolphins from the  hunt in the Cove of the fishing village of Taiji Japan.  Some of you may remember Ric O'Barry as the former dolphin trainer for the 1960s TV show "Flipper,"  Since the show, he has learned much about wild dolphins and  is focused and adamant regarding protection of these wonderful intelligent sea mammals.  He is one Star who has not let his Dolphin Friends Down.

The Japanese fishermen have been accused previously of initiating cruel, prolonged and agonizing deaths of their dolphin captives in the Cove of Taiji.  Following the repeated accusations of their cruel killing tactics, they now perform their kills behind tarps strung across their boats, so others cannot see what they are doing.  They say they are humane in their slaughter of the dolphins they kill for food.  If so, then why have they added the cover of tarps?

Ric O'Barry has actually captured recent video footage of what happens behind the tarps. It is what many of us suspected.  The Video is Not for the Faint-hearted and is Deeply Disturbing if one has any Compassion for Dolphins.  The commentary and the video link is added here for you to follow if you wish.

What if there Were to be a "Sting Debate"?

On a more hopeful note, O'Barry has been recently noted talking with the British Star and Jazz Rock Musician, Sting, this being in the dolphins favor.  According to the Huffington Post, Sting vocalized his opinion while discussing with O'Barry, that people should not be eating dolphins, and that starting a debate is the best way he feels will help save the dolphins.

It is unfortunate that there seems to be be only a trickle of  Celebrities who have come forth to speak out against the Killing of Dolphins and even less who have made it to the Cove itself.  It has been noted that the few times celebrities did show up in the Cove, last year, the killings were halted.  Most likely this occurred because the media was there in full force with the stars presence there reaching out to international acclaim. But, there are no stars in Taiji now, and the killing continues there like clock work...

It would be awesome if Sting would actually choose this haunting site for his own public debate, to speak his mind to the world, encouraging a debate over the actuality of these dolphin horrors cascading like recurring Nightmares, over and over again in the Blood Red Killing Cove. 

Click the links below to read the full articles from the Huffington Post)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

It's Nature, Let's Discover: The Striped Dolphin

 This is an Informative Article on the Striped Dolphin from "It's Nature, Let's Discover. 

Did You Know that... "Unfortunately, the Striped Dolphin has failed live successfully in captivity, with animals usually dying within 2 weeks because they fail to eat.",

Or that Dolphin "Drives" still Kill Thousands of Dolphins a Year?

Friday, January 14, 2011

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Save the Dolphins of the Cove" - Save Japan Dolphins (with Special Thanksto Jackie Bigford for Producing & Kudos to All who Contributed!)

Call for Help from "the Path to Protect" The Cove

From the Path to Protect Blog:  If You are Concerned about the Killing and Sale of Dolphins, I recommend reading "the Path to Protect" blog by Cove Guardian Nichole McLachlan.  


Taiji Japan is one of the largest Perpetrators and Offenders, killing on the average, more than 20.000 dolphins a year, and keeping a remaining few from each hunt for the Entertainment World.


Cove Guardian, Nicole McLachlan's blog on  1/10/11 events tells us bluntly, "THIS IS WHY WE MUST NEVER STOP THE CALLS & EMAILS.  For Misty & every other dolphin that has had the misfortune of swimming near Taiji. DOLPHIN BASE IS PROFITTING FROM THEIR MISERY.


If Everyone would take the time to call or email Dolphin Base, it will help to bring about the change we need which is termination of the hunt and release of the captured.  


We need Everyone's Help to Save Misty the Dolphin @ Taiji Base Camp and all the Others Captured, (approximately 50 at a time) in Small Tanks, being held and pre-trained for the Worlds Aquariums.  This is the Main Thought in the Taiji Fisherman's mind... Drive in the Pod, Choose a Few strong, pretty ones, kill the Others.  That is what is happening over and over and over....


This is the phone number for Dolphin Base +81-0735-59-3514

Sea Shepherd Stands Sufficient in the Southern Ocean

Sea Shepherd News Jan 10, 2011

Sea Shepherd Stands Self-sufficient in the Southern Ocean

"Sea Shepherd does not expect help or assistance from Australia or New Zealand.  Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard said that the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society should not expect any help from Australia should any Sea Shepherd crew or vessels get in trouble in the Southern Ocean ...".   (click link to read entire article)

Marine Mammals in Captivity Short Video Clip via SealAngel

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sea Shepherd Using Balloon Surveillance on Japanese Whalers

I came across this news today from a Twitter Post that Sea Shepherd has just begun Using Balloon Surveillance too observe and keep track of Japanese Whalers.
It starts like this:  "Conservationists are using giant weather balloons to stalk Japanese whalers in the Southern Ocean.
Members of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society launched the helium-filled balloons on Friday.
Captain Paul Watson says the balloons are fixed with cameras and radar detectors and relay the ships' positions back to the protesters via satellite... " (click on link below for full article)

Here is the Link to that News Release:
Balloons sent to spy on whalers - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Thank You @ for that Twitter Link ~

Thursday, January 6, 2011

When Culture and Tradition Conflicts with Reason and Compassion

Some Negative Cultural and Traditional Acts:

Witch Hunts
Burning at the Stake
Killing by Slow Death Such as Seal Clubbing & Shark Finning 
Deliberate Extermination of any Species
Torture Killing by a Captor Such as
Scalping, Setting the Wife on Fire or Stoning of an Accused
Ritualistic Killing and Sacrifice
Human Consumption of Conquered Victim e.g. Cannibalism
Selling a Family Member for Profit
Killing of Newborn for Population Control
Killing Outside of Necessity for Life/Survival Such as Seen with Majority of the Dolphin and Whale Hunts
Bull, Cock, Dog Fights, Bear Baiting
Or other Risk of Animal Life for "Entertainment"
Killing of or Experimenting on Animals in the Name of Science

And The List Goes On..... Some Specific and some General...

As an Intelligent Human Race We Must Allow Reason and Compassion to Prevail.
Some of these Horrendous Acts Have Been Seen as Inhumane and Abandoned.
Some Have Not. 
Just Because it is Culture, Religion or Tradition, Does Not Make it Right.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Francois Hugo and Seal Alert / SA

Seal Alert SA:
"Seal Alert-SA was established in 1999, as a direct hands-on organization to address the imbalances, cruelty and abuse that has plagued this species (Fur Seals) for well over 600 years. Our primary roles are investigation, rescue and in the wild rehabilitation, free of all forms of confinement. Our ultimate goal is the re-establishment of the ecology path, this species has been diverted away from. We seek an effective and meaningful, protected natural balanced marine environment, that is not based on unnatural animal segregation or exclusion policies or over protection of one species to the detriment of another."  Francois Hugo
For More information about this Wonderful Cause and Francois Hugo, Founder and Champion of the Cause, please click on this link:

Monday, January 3, 2011

Sea Shepherd Confronts Japanese Whalers on the High Seas

Dec 31st Headlines & Introductory Comment ~Sea Shepherd Hunts Down the Japanese Whalers Before a Single Whale is Killed:  
"Sea Shepherd Conservation Society’s fleet has found the illegal Japanese whaling vessels on the last day of the calendar year. In the vastness of the Southern Ocean, Sea Shepherd’s ships have now found the Japanese fleet before they even began killing whales.  This is a momentous victory for the whales and precisely how Sea Shepherd’s President and Founder Captain Paul Watson had hoped to ring in the New Year."  ... continued in link below

1/2/10  Hey Friends! what Great NEW YEARS NEWS from the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society Fleet in the South Seas:, The Bob Barker, The Steve Irwin, The Gogira!
Here is More of the Story in the Antartic Sanctuary Frankophone Facebook Report:

Reports on Misty, the Sick Captive Dolphin in Taiji Japan

On December 31st, 2010, The Cove Guardians of Sea Shepherd in Taiji Japan Tell Us of the Plight of One Lone Neglected Dolphin @ Dolphin Base at the Taiji Dolphin Resort (Misnomer!)  She was Captured Earlier along with a few from her Pod chosen for the Entertainment Parks of the World, whereby the majority of her Pod were horrendously Slaughtered for their Meat by Japanese Dolphin Hunters.  

The first Video I Saw of Misty was made December 31st by the Cove Guardians who were Unable to Get to Her Because of Barriers and Imposed Restrictions.  I understand now that the Cove Guardians had spoken to some staff and found out that she was held captive in the small tank you see and isolated up to a period of one MONTH, and it was now thick with algae and dead fish, and very poor circulation if any.  This Inhumane Mistreatment and Neglect Started a Universal Outcry against her Captors:

This is the video I am referring to where Misty the Dolphin fights for life in this contaminated pool ~ (when you pull this up, a pop-up advertisement may surface.  Just click on "close" to see the report) - CNN iReport & Video of a Deserted and Neglected Misty the Dolphin in Dolphin Base 


Video Update~ 1/2/11 ~ From the Teenage Activist, & the Path to Protect NickM22's ChannelTaiji Video Blog on just before her transfer to a cleaner larger pool in contact with other dolphins:

In this Video, Libbey, one of the Cove Guardians is being interviewed, and comments that the world involvement is simply amazing! She and the Cove Guardians are Thankful to all the Support they are Getting and Encourage us to keep up getting the word out, and for the Continued  Pressure we are placing on the People who are holding these Dolphins Captive.  During the time of this video, I believe there are 30 or more dolphins being held captive in the Dolphin Base.
January 1st From all the Pressure of the World, Misty's Captures Relent ... We hear and see this video from the Concerned Cove Guardians Just Outside the Dolphin Base Barricade.
Misty has been Moved ...  ~ But is it too Late for her recovery?  She is barely swimming in the picture before her removal from the filthy tank she was kept in.  She is in Dire Need of  Help .... (later we find out that Misty is actually a he)
Please Pray for, Meditate for, Ask For or forward Healing Light and Energy to MISTY, the Dolphin, still Imprisoned in a tank in Taiji Japan.
Thank YOU Everyone Who Has Taken Her and Her Plight to Heart ~ 
This is the Video of actual footage of the move on YouTube from the Cove Guardians of Sea Shepherd - Misty the dolphin from the Dolphin Base in Taiji is getting moved ~ evening of 01/02/11

January 3rd 2011 from Ric O'Barry @ Earth Island Institute viaTim and Carrie also in Taiji and associated with the blog "Save Japan Dolphins" have this to add:

January 3rd 2011 Report from Sea Shepherd Conservation Society;  Addition of Save the Dolphins Team~ Re-Joining of the Forces in Taiji

January the 4th Update on Misty from Nichole, one of the Cove Guardians, "The Path to Protect"

January 5th, 2011 ~ Misty is identified in his new tank separated from, but next to his many overcrowded dolphin friends.  Thank God he is still Alive!  See the video ~  Bless him, he has his yellow float still with him clutched in his mouth, but he is able to throw it and catch it now.  He appears stronger and in a better metal state.  See for yourself.  I Would Like to Say that the Next step 4 Taiji is ... CLOSE THIS DOLPHIN BASE CAMP, and FREE THE DOLPHINS!

Surely These Barbaric Actions MUST Send  OUT a RED FLAG to the Humane Members of the Species Homo Sapiens to Denounce Slaughtering and Capture of the Dolphins and Whales.   Please be Aware, that If You are in Attendance of Captured Dolphin or Whale Shows, You are Supporting the Blood Trade!  They are Dying for Human Entertainment.