Hello Friends of the Seas! Welcome to My Ocean Friendly Blog. I made this blog in support of the Creatures of the Seas and their Human Champions, Fighting for their Cause.

I have posted some of my favorite Champions here, and on some I have included a brief Notation of their Purpose at the bottom of this first page. You Must "Click" on the Older Posts, to pull up older posts. You will find that on the bottom of each page, and to the right of each page. I have also Included many Links to other blog and websites for you to expore. They are on the right column of the pages.

If you have a blog that is of focus on Healing of the Oceans and their Inhabitants, please let me know.

Although all Ocean Inhabitants are important, a special focus here is on the order Cetaceans (ceta is greek and latin for whale) or Marine Mammals of which the family Delphindae (meaning Dolphins) belongs. Like all mammals, they must breathe air. They also give live birth, and nurse their newborns with milk. Whales, Dolphins and porpoises belong to this group. That means Whales are actually large dolphins. Whales are the largest and porpoises are the smallest of the Cetaceans. Dolphins are not fish as some may think, and they are considered second to human beings in their intelligence and I believe they have an advanced intelligence far beyond some humans. The Japanese Dolphin Hunters have been, and still are relentlessly driving dolphins in the Cove of Taiji to Their Deaths and Capture, and other people are contributing to their plight by supporting the entertainment arenas around the world and eating their meat.

The Dolphins of Taiji are Close to My Heart at this Time, so I wrote a Poem for them "Shout Out For the Dolphins of Taiji" and to Challenge the World to Helping them Overcome Their Plight.

Here is that link:

I also Support other Sea Life and their Champions, and I am Open to Suggestions for improvement or new information, so please offer any constructive comments you may have in the comment sections. Please Note the Champions of the Seas Links on the Right and Support them if Your Heart Desires. Alone we create a Ripple in the Ocean, and Together we Create a Wave... Let Our Voices Be Heard! Thank YOU

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

"A Tale of Genocide in the Faroe Islands"

A Family Tradition that horrifies many is allowed to continue in the Faroe Islands.  This is the annual hunt and cull (a softer word for "kill") of whales & other cetaceans that occurs without mercy, and with all family members actively engaged and happily participating.  It is with heavy heart that I strongly say, inhumane ways of the past have no reason in the present.

This revealing post on the "Champions for Cetaceans" website vividly tells us the story and shows us the pictures of a continued bloodbath that must stop.  Please help us educate the World in what continues to happen to the the intelligent mammals of the ocean by also telling this story and advocating against it to the world in any media way you know how.  Even telling your friends gets the word out.  If enough people in the world protest, it will be the needed pressure to stop this barbaric practice and save the remaining whales of the sea.

The Species called "Man" has become the cruel apex predator with a thirst for death that will exterminate all species of the planet if allowed to continue.  Yet, not all of "man" is the insatiable beast described here.  Those of us who are against these practices must make our voices heard to change the wrongs that are done to the creatures of this beloved planet we call earth, and we must do it now ~ for time is quickly slipping by.  The damage to the ocean and it's inhabitants is great.  News of ecological damage to the ocean is an added factor in killing off the inhabitants of the seas, and without the ocean, man is doomed.

Please join us now, by making your voice heard in protest in the best way you know how.  Help us to spread the word... Thank You!

Link to Article on the Faroe Island Hunt mentioned above: